Rich Text Embed System Reference Guide

Rich Text Embed System Reference Guide

Living documentation for content created on Yummly using the Rich Text Embed System


<h1> / <h2> - (Header 1 / Header 2)

<h3> - (Header 3)

<h4> - (Header 4)

<h5> - (Header 5)
<h6> - (Header 6)

<p> - (Paragraph Text)

<a> - (Hyperlink)

<strong> - (Bold Text)

<blockquote> - (Quote Text)

<u> - (Underline)

<em> - (Italic)

<code> - (Code)

<ul> (Unordered list)

  • <li> - (Unordered list item 1)

  • <li> - (Unordered list item 2)

  • <ll> - (Unordered list item 3)

<ol> (Ordered List)

  1. <li> - (Ordered list item 1)

  2. <li> - (Ordered list item 2)

  3. <li> - (Ordered list item 3)

<hr> - (Horizontal Rule) [See Below]

Custom Markdown

Header Jump Tag - (Jumps To ImageEmbed)

Space Jump Tag - (Jumps to the space between Featured RecipeEmbed and Full RecipeEmbed)


There should be exactly THREE empty lines between here ...

... and here.

One empty line is considered a <br> and is exactly 18px tall.

Embeds (in alphabetical order)

ArticleEmbed (Default)

Exactly identical to a `Post`, but lets you customize how the embedded article appears.

Note: ArticleEmbeds without a selected variant will default to this style.

ArticleEmbed (Featured)


ArticleEmbed (Featured - Inverted)


ArticleEmbed (Full)

ArticleGridEmbed (Default)

Browse More Embed (Default)

Looking for something else?

Check out our favorite recipes for a variety of popular diets.
Browse Diets



ImageEmbed (using media type)

A picture of meatballs in a bowl

ImageEmbed (using GIF)

ImageEmbeds also supports gifs as media types.


ImageEmbed (using src attribute)

This ImageEmbed has values for both media and src. Though specifying src regardless of whether media is present will always show the image at the src specified.

An image of meatballs in a bowl


Embed arbitrary markdown snippets in a Rich Text post. Used for expressing anything you can write in the 'Body' field or complicated content that Embeds.

This H2 was rendered using Markdown

This paragraph text was rendered using Markdown

You can even render complicated Markdown not supported in RichText like tables!

TeaspoonTablespoonCupFluid OuncesMilliliters
1 t---5 mL
3 t1 T-1/2 fl oz15 mL
-2 T1/8 c1 fl oz30 mL
-4 T1/4 c2 fl oz60 mL
-5 1/3 T1/3 c2.7 fl oz80 mL
-8 T1/2 c4 fl oz120 mL
-12 T3/4 c6 fl oz180 mL
-16 T1 c8 fl oz240 mL
--2 c16 fl oz475 mL
--3 c24 fl oz700 mL
--4 c32 fl oz950 mL



Chef-Guided Cooking Awaits!Try ProLearn More

RecipeEmbed (Default)

(Note: You can place multiple 'Default' RecipeEmbeds next to each other and they'll span inline)

Yummly Original

RecipeEmbed (Featured)

(Note: 'Featured' RecipeEmbeds will take up an entire line. Use a non-featured Embed if you want to place multiple next to each other)

RecipeEmbed (Full)

(Note: 'Full' RecipeEmbeds will take up an entire line and pull all displayed information from the recipe Id you linked. Use a non-featured Embed if you want to place multiple next to each other).


Pass a list of Yummly recipes to this Embed and have them render as a generic Yummly Recipe Carousel.


VideoEmbed (YouTube)


Embed other Yummly Posts into your article! You can even embed a Post within itself (like below). For default article embedding purposes, use this. Note: Posts will display as a 'Default' variant style. If you want to embed an article in the "Featured" or "Full" variant style, use an ArticleEmbed.

Rich Text Embed System Reference Guide

Living documentation for content created on Yummly using the Rich Text Embed System

51 Unforgettable Chocolate Valentine’s Day Desserts

From grand chocolate cakes and soufflés to elegant chocolate truffles and easy chocolate brownies, we've got every way to indulge in the cacao bean.

Dinner Renovations: Cook Once, Eat Twice Picadillo Recipe

Hate leftovers? You're not alone. Making two meals from one is a game-saving skill to cure the weeknight cooking blues.